## Loading required package: JuliaCall
## Julia version 1.9.3 at location /home/apua/julia-1.9.3/bin will be used.
## Loading setup script for JuliaCall...
## Finish loading setup script for JuliaCall.

Learning objectives

What’s new in Julia

Highlights of Sections 8.5 and 8.6

Exercise 8.5.5

# Exercise (a)
A = [diagm(1:100) diagm(fill(1,100)); diagm(fill(0,100)) diagm(1:100)];
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A, fill(1,200); reltol=10^(-10), maxiter=100, log=true);
resnorm = hist[:resnorm];
    xaxis=(L"m"),yaxis=(:log10,"norm of mth residual"), 
    title="Residual for GMRES",leg=:none)

# Exercise (b)
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A, fill(1,200); restart=20, reltol=10^(-10), maxiter=100, log=true);
resnorm = hist[:resnorm];
    xaxis=(L"m"),yaxis=(:log10,"norm of mth residual"), 
    title="Residual for GMRES",leg=:none)

# Exercise (c)
A = [diagm(1:100) diagm(fill(1,100)); diagm(fill(0,100)) -diagm(1:100)];
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A, fill(1,200); reltol=10^(-10), maxiter=100, log=true);
resnorm = hist[:resnorm];
    xaxis=(L"m"),yaxis=(:log10,"norm of mth residual"), 
    title="Residual for GMRES",leg=:none)

Exercise 8.6.5

Exercise 8.6.6

n = 50; k = 1.3;
A = FNC.poisson(n) - k^2*I;
b = -ones(n^2);
x1, hist1 = minres(A,b,reltol=1e-5, log=true);
x2, hist2 = cg(A,b,reltol=1e-5, log=true);
relres1 = hist1[:resnorm] / norm(b);
relres2 = hist2[:resnorm] / norm(b);
    xaxis=L"m",yaxis=(:log10,"relative residual"),
    title=("Convergence of MINRES and CG") )


# Exercise (b)
k = 8;
A = FNC.poisson(n) - k^2*I;
x1, hist1 = minres(A,b,reltol=1e-5, log=true);
x2, hist2 = cg(A,b,reltol=1e-5, log=true);
relres1 = hist1[:resnorm] / norm(b);
relres2 = hist2[:resnorm] / norm(b);
    xaxis=L"m",yaxis=(:log10,"relative residual"),
    title=("Convergence of MINRES and CG") )


# Exercise (c)
evs, _ = eigs(A, which=:SR);
evl, _ = eigs(A, which=:LR);
(length(evs) > 0, length(evl) > 0)
## (true, true)

Highlights of Sections 8.7 and 8.8

Exercise 8.7.4

img = testimage("lighthouse");
m,n = size(img);
X = @. Float64(Gray(img));
B = spdiagm(0=>fill(0.5,m),
C = spdiagm(0=>fill(0.5,n),
blur = X -> B^12 * X * C^12;
Z = blur(X);
unvec = z -> reshape(z,m,n);  # convert vector to matrix
## #99 (generic function with 1 method)
T = LinearMap(x -> vec(blur(unvec(x))),m*n);
# change this part for the exercise
y = cg(T,vec(Z),maxiter=50,reltol=1e-5);
# clamp01 is to cut between 0 and 1
Y = unvec(clamp01.(y)); 
plot(Gray.(X),layout=2,title="Original", frame=:none);
plot!(Gray.(Y),subplot=2,title="Deblurred", frame=:none)

Exercise 8.7.5

# Exercise (a)
m = 50; 
B = spdiagm(0=>fill(0.5,m), 1=>fill(0.25,m-1),-1=>fill(0.25,m-1));
## SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Factor{Float64}
## type:    LLt
## method:  simplicial
## maxnnz:  99
## nnz:     99
## success: true
## 1053.4789912000572

Exercise 8.7.6

b= @. ((1:100) / 100)^2
## 100-element Vector{Float64}:
##  0.0001
##  0.0004
##  0.0009
##  0.0016
##  0.0025000000000000005
##  0.0036
##  0.004900000000000001
##  0.0064
##  0.0081
##  0.010000000000000002
##  ⋮
##  0.8464
##  0.8649000000000001
##  0.8835999999999999
##  0.9025
##  0.9216
##  0.9409
##  0.9603999999999999
##  0.9801
##  1.0
T = LinearMap(x -> cumsum(x), 100);
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(T, b; reltol=10^(-8), maxiter=100, log=true);

Exercise 8.8.1

Exercise 8.8.2

# Exercise (a)
A = 1.5I + sprand(800,800,0.005);
iLU = ilu(A,τ=0.3);
L, U = I+iLU.L, iLU.U';
M = L*U;
precA = inv(Matrix(M))*A;
eigA = eigvals(Matrix(A));
eigprecA = eigvals(Matrix(precA));
l = @layout [a  b]; 
p1 = plot(eigA,seriestype=:scatter,legend=:none); 
p2 = plot(eigprecA, seriestype=:scatter,legend=:none);
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)

A = 1.5I + sprand(800,800,0.005);

# Exercise (b) change tau, basically repeat everything
iLU = ilu(A,τ=0.03);
L, U = I+iLU.L, iLU.U';
M = L*U;
precA = inv(Matrix(M))*A;
eigA = eigvals(Matrix(A));
eigprecA = eigvals(Matrix(precA));
l = @layout [a  b]; 
p1 = plot(eigA,seriestype=:scatter,legend=:none); 
p2 = plot(eigprecA, seriestype=:scatter,legend=:none);
plot(p1, p2, layout = l)

Exercise 8.8.3

# Exercise (a)
A = [diagm(1:100) diagm(fill(0,100)); diagm(fill(1,100)) -diagm(1:100)];
M = DiagonalPreconditioner(diagm([fill(1,100);fill(-1,100)]));
# does not converge in 100 iterations
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A, fill(1,200); Pl=M, reltol=10^(-10), maxiter=100, log=true);
resnorm = hist[:resnorm];
@show resnorm[end] / resnorm[1];
err = @. resnorm/resnorm[1];
plot(err, yaxis=:log10)

# Exercise (b)
A = [diagm(1:100) diagm(fill(0,100)); diagm(fill(1,100)) -diagm(1:100)];
M = DiagonalPreconditioner(diagm([1:100; -1:-1:-100]));
# changed to 2 iterations
x, hist = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A, fill(1,200); Pl=M, reltol=10^(-10), maxiter=2, log=true);
resnorm = hist[:resnorm];
@show resnorm[end] / resnorm[1]
## resnorm[end] / resnorm[1] = 3.708814968504319e-16
## 3.708814968504319e-16

Exercise 8.8.4

# Exercise (a)
A = matrixdepot("Bai/rdb2048");
b = fill(1, 2048);
# throwaway to force compilation
# actual timing
t = @elapsed x,history = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A,b,maxiter=300,reltol=1e-5,log=true);
resnorm = history[:resnorm];
@show resnorm[end] / resnorm[1]
## resnorm[end] / resnorm[1] = 2.092076472043198e-5
## 2.092076472043198e-5
@show t
## t = 0.010560976
## 0.010560976
# Exercise (b)
M = DiagonalPreconditioner(diag(A));
x,history = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A,b,maxiter=300,Pl=M,reltol=1e-5,log=true);
resnorm = history[:resnorm];
@show resnorm[end] / resnorm[1]
## resnorm[end] / resnorm[1] = 0.9601892916173383
## 0.9601892916173383
# Exercise (c)
# throwaway once more
err=[]; time=[];
for τ in [2,1,0.25,0.11, 0.1, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07]
    iLU = ilu(A;τ);
    t = @elapsed _,history = IterativeSolvers.gmres(A,b,Pl=iLU,maxiter=300,reltol=1e-5,log=true);
    resnorm = history[:resnorm];
    push!(err, resnorm[end] / resnorm[1]);
    push!(time, t);
[err time]
## 8×2 Matrix{Float64}:
##  0.00623124   0.0523113
##  1.72954e-5   0.0637916
##  4.96225e-5   0.00142432
##  6.32084e-5   0.00115226
##  1.04842e-5   0.00155987
##  1.04693e-5   0.00126476
##  0.000112019  0.00112618
##  6.77756e-5   0.00112264